dimanche 30 novembre 2008

Friday and Saturday: to meet and to observe Women are not business in the bars

On Friday and Saturday night, Michela, Filippo, Marina and I decide to visit the bars that support the project Women are not Business in order to feel the impact and to observe the visibility of our material.
In Slundze I Luna, the manager explains me that they put the material on a central table and we can confirm that the visibility is excellent. They run out of beermats/flyers because lots of people want to keep them.
In Warsteiner, the flyers and beermats are on some tables (I can see one beermat per beer) and one waitress says that women asked questions about this issue.
In Petok, they distribute each night the beermats with the beers, great support and the flyers are at the entrance.
In Baskerville, there is one beermat and one flyer per table. The waitress says that everyday they pay attention to put them. I observe that they even chose one beermat/one flyer with a different design.
In EL Corazon, when we arrive, no beermats and no flyers anywhere, we ask how the action is happening. They don't seem to understand so I remind them of the material they received and about the issue. Then, they say that they will start tonight. We realize how important it is to go and check and that sometimes the empowerment we wanted to increase is not an immediate success. When we leave, there are flyers on each table. Will they stay on each table when we close the door, we hope that after the third visit and their approval to support, they will finally show their support, not because we check them but because they feel it's right to make prevention and act for women's rights.
In Babbles, the waitress tells me that they distribute it all and that they don't have any left. 
In Melody, I see flyers at the entrance and she says that they don't have any beermats left. By the way, the waitress is very agressive and I regret not to be able to speak to the managers who were really nice.
In Social Jazz Club (picture above), The manager is very supportive and we see flyers at the entrance. He is all right to take a picture with the beermat. He says that with every beer, he gives a beermat! He is very concerned and by the way, the Animus christmas party will occur in this place! Cool!

In Bilkova, they don't have any left (except flyers at the entrance) when we arrive and so I give about 40 beermats to them and they distribute the material everywhere, it feels like a big Women are not business wave in the bar.  We can speak to clients, one of them says that it reminds him of communist propaganda because of the colours. Somebody answers that it's completely wrong and that communist didn't use the black colour. One man says that we should do a similar project for "slave workers in the western countries". Some friends and anonynous clients want to be on our pictures with the beermat. One client says that she wants the four design and that she likes the punchy slogan.
Friends in Bilkova
Friends in Bilkova.
Me and Filippo with a client of bar in Bilkova.
A friend in Bilkova.
A client of bar in Bilkova.
In Mono Club, great moment when we step in the bar. We see the material on each table and on the bar. Each table has a beermat and a flyer. When I speak to them and thank them, they start to dance and express a lot of happiness. Here are the pictures above.
Me and the waitresses in Mono Club.
In Sziget, we see the material from the outside, on the bars, on every table, everywhere. When I look at the manager, he makes a sign "yes" with the inch. We are very happy because this place has a relevant location, close to Botev bv. Then we speak together and he explains that every day, he takes care to change the design, it really feels that he is creating an atmosphere with the design, that' it is part of his bar now! 
In Sziget.
In Sziget.
In Sziget.
In Sziget, above the Menu.
In Sziget, with the barman, who disposed the material in a creative, relevant and visible way.